Spacer Garden-Tomato Soup
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2 tsp olive oil
3/4 c chopped onion
1 Tbsp chopped fresh oregano or basil
1 tsp chopped fresh or 1/4 tsp dried thyme
2 garlic cloves, minced
5 c seeded diced tomato (about 2 pounds)
1 1/2 c water
2 1/2 Tbsp tomato paste
2 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
Thinly sliced basil to garnish


  1. Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion, oregano, thyme, and garlic; cook 4 minutes, stirring frequently.
  2. Stir in remaining ingredients (except basil garnish).
  3. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer 15 minutes.
  4. Puree with an immersion blender (called a giraffe by some people - if you're using one of these, wait for the soup to cool somewhat) or in two batches in a blender.

Serves 5. Can be served warm or chilled; sprinkle the basil on top of the individual servings.

Melanie Colvin via Cooking Light

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Except where noted, all material on this site is © 2003 Rebecca J. Stevenson