Spacer May 10, 2005
  | Asymmetry | Archive | May 10, 2005 |




Dave and Liddy with new toy.

When the phone rings at an unusual hour there is always a moment of anxiety, tempered in this instance by puzzlement because it was the cell phone. I use that number pretty much exclusively for business, but couldn't imagine why, say, a recruiting agency would be calling at ten of nine at night. Maybe it was the Calgary office at work, they're a couple hours behind... but no, it was our slightly clueless loan coordinator in California, calling to say that we have been preapproved for a mortgage (I was slightly stern with her about the hour, and she was effusively apologetic).

It's nice to know that someone else thinks we could afford to make the monthly payment she quoted us earlier in the process. Nice to think that if we could find a house around here for that much money, we might actually be able to purchase it. Of course our lease here goes through November, and we're not in any big rush to go through the moving process again (sing it, 100 boxes of books on the wall... okay, there were only ninety, but for pity's sake), but at least now we have the option to start looking and be taken more or less seriously.

This is a really nice apartment, but I'm tired of living in other people's houses.

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