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Junior Year Spring Semester

51. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (2/90)
The team goes through some time of recovery from the rapid pace events of the last few weeks. Skywalker continues his courtship with Alexandra (Dan, she's older than your religion!), much to Abigail's sorrow. Stress cracks continue to form in the Arclight/Shriekback relationship. Warped Warrior takes a break with Virginia Holly, and he and Simon hypothesize on his potential agelessness. Talon spends some time with Anthony Taurus, and learns that the JoA have escaped from custody, replacing themselves with perfect balloon animal replicas.

52. That Way Lies Madness I: Household Ingredients in the Proper Proportions (3/90)
The heroes discover that members of the Janitors have kidnapped chemist Marvin Chase and have made one raid on a chemical warehouse so far, which was partially stopped by Streetfighter. The Janitors escaped with some stuff as Streetfighter was forced to extinguish a fire that could have turned into a massive chemical blaze. Streetfighter pulls a Batman entrance into S8's base to tell them what happened; he knows they have fought the Janitors before and he has other cases to work on. He then vanishes. The heroes begin looking into the problem.

53. That Way Lies Madness II: Mind the Secret Ingredients (3/90)
The heroes spot a disturbance in downtown Manhattan, as over a two block area dozens of people (fine upstanding conservative types) are wandering into and out of traffic in a drugged-out daze. They are all victims of the DMSO and LSD combination, and the heroes figure this out.

54. That Way Lies Madness III: Opiate of the Masses (3/90)
The front page headline of the Harborview Clarion reads: "Janitors of Anarchy Bring Eristocracy to City in 24 Hours! Prepare for Rule by the Mad!" There is a brief story under the headline that reads: "By this time tomorrow, millions of Harborviewians will have seen the reason of unreason. Prepare, for no one can stop our bringing about the golden age! May the seed of your loins be fruitful in the belly of your woman. Love, the Janitors of Anarchy. P.S.: The newspaper doesn't know we did this, so don't tell them!" Our heroes track down the Janitors, but only locate the dread Godzilla in a Box trap. They do learn that the Janitors, ever brilliant, are planning on performing the same trick twice.

55. That Way Lies Madness IV: YAHOO! (4/90)
Battle between Section Eight and the Janitors of Anarchy, with Bluesjay (of the Society of Syrynx) having joined the Janitors. The final fight ends with Warped Warrior and Doombuggy shifting away uncontrollably, since Gypsy ripped out part of Doombuggy's dimensional warp systems. The rest of the JoA are captured. This is, of course, April Fool's day.

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