Spacer Skywalker
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Character Sheet: Skywalker
Name: Skywalker
Identity: Daniel Abraham
Player: Daniel Abraham
Affiliation: Section Eight
Campaign Location: Lancaster Class of '91
Sex: Male
Age: 20-21
Level: 1-6
Archetype: Romantic
Power synopsis: Variant empath and telekinetic, briefly trained at the Black Dragon Monastery.
Weight: 130

Strength: 16
   Bonus (+2)
Agility: 18
   Bonus (+2) physical accuracy
Endurance: 12
   Bonus (+1)
Basic Hits: 3      Agility Mod: -

Presence: 12
   Bonus (+1/+5) reactions, mental accuracy
Intelligence: 14
   Bonus (+1) damage modifier
Willpower: 21
   Bonus (+3)
HP Mods (1.5)(1.5)(1.3) = 2.925
Healing Rate: .9
Carrying Capacity: 175
Basic HTH: 1d4
Hit Points: 9
Fatigue Points: 14
Wound Points: 12
Evasion Score: -2/-6
Powers Description
Physical Enhancement +6 Strength and Agility. Also corrected his vision to 20/20.
Mental Enhancement +8 Willpower.
Telekinetic Defense One action to start.
Telekinetic Manipulation Capacity to 180 pounds. Movement to grab unresisting, action to grab resisting/living targets. 120 ft. range.
Psychic Weapon Sword (HTH +3/+6), movement to create. Learned to phase through armor defenses at 2nd level. Learned to throw 120 feet and have it return at 3rd level. Learned to HTH +0/+3 at 6th level.
Flight Levitate at 12 MPH.
Empathic Persona Gains +4 on all reaction rolls vs one target's person (includes Mental Accuracy for empathy).
Empathic Enhancement Telepath attack to increase/diminish the target's dominant emotion. D20 to resist if they notice it. Can sense dominant emotion automatically if target's Will is <20; otherwise requires attack.
Antipathy Field One action to start; all living things avoid being within 5 feet of him. +4 evasion vs HTH attacks. Learned at 1st level.
Empathic Link By making a telepathic attack, he can establish a link with the target, knowing when they are in danger (he rolls to detect danger when they do and gains the benefit of both rolls, but he cannot communicate danger he senses to them). Once established, the link has a range of 120 miles. 1 fatigue to start. Learned at 4th level.
Emotion Sense 3x detection vs emoting beings within his range, including spirits and animals. Learned at 5th level.

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