Spacer Impulse
  | Asymmetry | Role-Playing | Villains & Vigilantes | Ground Zero | Impulse |



Identity: Grahm O'Connor
Player: Grahm O'Connor
Affiliation: MEDUSA
Campaign: Ground Zero
Sex: Male
Age: 14-20
Level: 1-13
Archetype: Rational
Power Synopsis: Induced variant with variant intellect and the ability to convert matter to energy.

  1. Heightened Intelligence: +28. +4 Presence (2nd l).
    Natural Linguist: +15 years effective age for the purposes of learning languages; he can make a d% check to identify and decipher any language he encounters, once he has enough information to work from (10th l).

  2. Matter-Energy Conversion: This power has a range of 350 feet and filters through Impulse's bio-aura for various effects.
    Heightened Endurance: +14 (21 at 3rd l). -1 die code difficulty for resisting toxins and disease.
    Resistant Aura: He has a 0 to be hit by any attack designed to modify his body (disintegration, transmutation, etc.).
    Heightened Attack: 1d20 damage disintegration attack. Anything hit is changed to light energy. He can direct this as a streaming attack along a 20 foot line for 2d8 damage (7th l) and use it as a beam attack (9th l). He can use this separately to blind people as a 1d20 (d40 with Heightened Attack) resistant Light attack, either against one target or in a 20 foot radius (+2 to hit, costs 2 fatigue). He can carry this on his disintegration ray at 4th l.
    Disintegration Aura: Movement to start a disintegration type defense. He can add a Light Power defense as well.
Weight: 120-145

Strength: 12
   Bonus (+1)
Agility: 13
   Bonus (+1) physical accuracy
Endurance: 35
   Bonus (+6)
Basic Hits: 3      Agility Mod: -

Presence: 15
   Bonus (+1) reactions, mental accuracy
Intelligence: 41
   Bonus (+8) damage modifier
Willpower: 13
   Bonus (+1)
HP Mods (1.25)(4)(1.1) = 5.5
Healing Rate: 3
Carrying Capacity: 130
Basic HTH: 1d4
Hit Points: 17
Fatigue Points: 24
Wound Points: 35
Evasion Score: -1
Attack TypeATT baseAccuracy BonusTotal DamageRangeFPCareers & Hobbies
HTH9+21d4+8NA0Student (FC) 8+
Disintegration12+21d20+123500Modern Music (FH) 8+
  Streaming12+22d8+123502European Languages (BH) 8+
  Beam12+22d20+12+x3502Asian Languages (BH) 8+
Light12+21d40 resistance3500Hindi (FC) 8+
  Radius14+21d40 resistance3502MEDUSA Field Agent 8+
**Evidence Analysis 12+

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