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| Asymmetry | Role-Playing | Liberty League | House Rules | |
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House Rules There are only a small handful of modifications to the Villains and Vigilantes system used in play (Hey! It's a great system! Why tinker with it any more than necessary?). We initially used most of these rules in the Four Winds Universe of campaigns (Four Winds, Four Winds: NYC, and Four Winds: Anthology series GMed by David Utter, myself, and Christian Irish -- creator of Gaslight.) until they went on hiatus. I've become so accustomed to them that I consider them a basic rules errata I intend to use in any and all V+V campaigns I run. Base HTH Attack Value The base HTH chance to hit has been improved, with the target number raised from 5 to 6. We may move to another popular variant that shifts the base number even higher, to a 9, for basic HTH melee attacks while maintaining the standard 5 base value for ranged HTH attacks like firearms. Stun Damage The base chance to knock out an
opponent with any attack remains unchanged (1% per point of damage
inflicted). However, characters now also have a chance to stun an
opponent equal to 2% per point of damage inflicted.
Stunned characters can still move or
evade, but cannot take any other action.
Recovery is automatic at the end of the turn
in which the character is stunned, or the character may recover by making
a d100 save vs. Endurance on his or her next action phase, whichever comes
first. Held Actions An action may now only be held by a
character until the phase before the character's next regular action. If
the held action is not used at that time, it is forfeited.
Ex: A PC has actions on phases 35, 20, and
5. The character can hold the action from phase 35 until no later than
phase 21. If it isn't used by phase 21, it is forfeited.
Dection Scores A character's Detect Hidden and Detect
Danger scores are no longer determined using the Intelligence table in the
V & V rule book, and are no longer percentile based.
Detect Hidden and Danger scores are now both
calculated as (Int/3)+7. Detection rolls are made on 2d10, just like a
regular attribute save. A natural 20 always fails.
Strength and Agility Hit Point Modifiers The hit point modifiers for strength
and agility have been swapped to give greater weight to a character's
strength score (note: this house rule is endorsed by Jeff Dee, one of the
co-creators of the V & V game system).
The swap has already been factored in for
the table of Incremental Hit Point Modifiers shown below.
Incremental Hit Point Modifiers The hit point modifiers for character
attributes have been updated to provide for incremental advances on a
point by point basis (the standard mods in the rulebook only advance once
every three points). The modifier for calculating a
character's healing rate has been similarly updated.
The new modifiers are listed on the table
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© 2002 Daniel Harvey et al |