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  | Asymmetry | Role-Playing | Villains & Vigilantes | The Revolution | Story So Far | Aside |





    Energy storms continued to rage outside the house. Kymrik slid back through the cracks in the wall, his body becoming almost liquid. A sudden spike erupted from the wall toward Hans' head. It barely missed.
    This situation was no longer tactically tenable. He blasted a new hole in the wall and left the house, intending a full retreat, and arced up to take in a view of the wider situation, saw Lucky roaring up on her bike.
    She saw the remains of a slagged van, corpses burned to a cinder, and what looked like Hans blasting away at what was left of the vehicle, screaming in German. There was a hole in the wall into what had probably been his parents' apartment.
    "Hans, at ease!" she yelled.
    "What?" the figure yelled back.
    "At ease!"
    "Fuck you!" He fired a blast of plasma at her.
    That wasn't Hans. Her stick came to life in time to block the blast.
    Hans heard her voice, Mitch's response, and swerved back toward the battle.

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© 1999 Rebecca J. Stevenson