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    Scott, as usual thinking with relative clarity, returned to the wreckage of the gas station where we had left the two unconscious goons. He took them to the police station roof and sent a tendril down to tap on Winters' window. She was working on three phones at once, evidently trying her futile best at damage control. She heard the tap and looked around.
    "Shit. I gotta go, gotta go, bye."
    She came onto the roof with her gun out, but she holstered it when she saw that he was alone. "What the hell happened?"
    "I don't know," Scott was forced to confess. "Entirely. These two were part of the League of Nations team that kidnapped Hans' parents. One of the flaming people was apparently Hans' brother."
    "Okay. The other one?" she asked dangerously. "I was hoping you could tell me something wonderful, like they had a powermorpher there...."
    "I can't."
    "No." She nodded, jaw clenched. "I'm going to put these two in the tank." Shook her head angrily. "Shit. Shit. I don't know what to do. Do you know what to do?"
    "I don't even know why this took place downtown. It—wasn't supposed to." He sounded bewildered. "It started out on the island, we'd isolated the entire thing. I don't know."
    "All right. Get back to wherever you're using as a base, and leave that and find a different base where no one can possibly track you. Stay down. All right? Keep Hans from coming out, keep Lucky from coming out, you and Needle just for safety's sake, don't come out, Albert I don't think anybody cares."
    He headed for the underground secondary base, still in gaseous form. Albert was still there; he passed on the latest news reports and served as an audience while the robot ranted.

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© 1999 Rebecca J. Stevenson