Lucky and Phoenix drove down to the parking garage and headed for the service elevator.
Ding. The doors opened to reveal two men running toward the stairwell, shoving guns back into their jackets. They stopped dead when the doors opened, and you could read the glance that passed between them: Oh my god, it's Lucky.
She didn't recognize them, but they looked like Mob. She dropped into a slight crouch and grinned at them.
Phoenix walked up to one of the men and threw a casual punch at him; he ducked.
"Don't you know who you're dealing with?" Talon inquired.
The pair threw open the stairwell door and hurtled downstairs. Phoenix bounced down from landing to landing after them, dodging as they fired up into the well.
Lucky brought her gloves to life as a whip and lashed it down at the one who had seemed to recognize her. It lashed around his gun arm; she gave it a solid upward yank and hauled him easily up toward her.
Phoenix jumped down with a flying kick; his target ducked, lost his balance and half-fell down the remaining stairs. Lucky surveyed her dangling captive with a little smile.
"Drop the gun and I won't drop you," she suggested. He tried to kick her, evidence that he wasn't thinking too wellif she let go of the whip, he would fall twelve stories. She jerked the whip a little; he dropped the gun, which fell in seeming slow motion down through the stairwell. Lucky heaved the struggling tough over her shoulder and headed back down the hall, looking for an empty room.
The other one pointed his gun at Phoenix. "Get away! I'm leaving here, you're not stopping me!" He aimed shakily and fired, missed. Phoenix flung himself at the man, tried to tackle him. Missed again, as the man dove out of the way, but managed to roll back to his feet as if he'd meant to do that. This was getting ridiculous. Was this jet lag? Well, he was used to fighting Japanese men and they were shorter....The thug tried to hit him with the gun. Talon blocked it. Threw a punch. The thug jumped back, ran down the hall and out into the lobby. Shaking his head, Phoenix let him keep running and headed back upstairs.
Lucky found an empty room and kicked the door open as the elevator doors opened and two policemen ran out.
"Holy shit, freeze!" one shouted.
She pulled her captive around behind her as a shield and backed into the room, shut the door.
"We need backup! We got Lucky cornered here!"
"Asshole," she muttered, blocking the door with the dresser.
"We have a definite positive sighting, get a SWAT team here, get the chopper!"
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© 1999 Rebecca J. Stevenson