Phoenix, who did not yet know about the cave, went back to Chandler's. It was a long walk.
"They're all at the base. Not the old base," Prentice added hastily.
"Can I use your shower?"
"Yes. Your daughter is very good at Go."
"Isn't she?"
"Dad, you stink," she suggested gently, herding him toward the bathroom.
"What other base?" Talon asked over the roar of the water a few moments later.
"Do you remember where the final fight against Gretchen was?"
"Damn straight!"
"What! Huh. That's pretty cool," he decided.
"Towel?" Chandler offered patiently.
"Thanks. What was in this pansy shampoo?"
Chandler closed his eyes briefly. "Just dry yourself and get to the other base."
In the meantime, Lucky made a phone call to voice her indignation.
"You know, I really have no right to complain, because it's not like anybody smeared my good name, but getting a gunshot wound while I'm trying to protect people, trying to find out things you want me to find out, really fucking pisses me off," she spat.
"I told you they were going to shoot at you," Winters sighed.
"You also told us to protect this guy. Whose side are you on, anyway? Don't tell me you didn't want us there."
"What are you talking about?" she snapped. "Look, I'm not going to get into this argument with you. Suddenly I'm the bad guy?" Click.
She dialed again. Ring. Ring. A little voice in the back of her head suggested that she was being foolish. "Go away," she growled.
You're allowing emotion to escape your reason.
"I'm wounded."
You're not that wounded.
"I don't want to hear it. Leave me alone."
That's not an option. What is the matter? Did something happen that you didn't expect to happen?
"If I told you, you'd laugh at me, and I can't have these conversations in my head. Call me."
"What?" Chandler asked again patiently.
"I like her," Lucky mumbled.
"I like her."
Pause. "Are we talking 'like,' like?"
Pause, then a sigh. "Ooo-kay. I'm not going to laugh at you. So, because you like her, you're trying to bite her head off?"
"I feel... like I did, when II just felt betrayed."
"Why? I'm not saying I approve of your current emotional state, nor that I think you guys should be trusting her that much," he added cautiously.
"She was letting people shoot at us."
"She's not in control of the police force," he reminded her patiently. "She can't tell them not to shoot at you when there are orders to bring you down by any means necessary. She's the one who keeps telling you to stay out of sight."
Silence while she chewed over that.
"Fine, you're right," she growled. "I just get all... I just. I'm going back to base. If you need me..."
"I know where to find you," he assured her.
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© 1999 Rebecca J. Stevenson