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    "Oui?" Albert answered the call.
    "Good morning," Scott bubbled.
    "Hello, M. L'automaton, how are you?"
    "Quite well, I had something I wanted to mention to you, since I heard last night that you weren't getting something, and I don't know exactly what you were referring to, but I think that there might be another series of clones."
    "I think there's a TL series, they're male."
    "Intriguing. Thank you, I'll factor that in."
    At the cave, Lucky woke up, rested if not particularly refreshed.
    "No ma, I don't wanna," Talon muttered, turned over and went back to sleep.
    Lucky rolled her eyes and called Scott.
    "Hello?" he answered brightly.
    "Hi Scott. You said to call?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
    "Oh, hi. How are you feeling?"
    "Sleepy. What's up?"
    "I was trying to figure something out and I couldn't and I thought that you could. If you could look at the stuff that Don Aliese used to own or control and find out where it's gone?"
    "Find out who's running what used to be his, 'cause if he died, and Vincent probably lost a bunch of stuff, I think the World Crime League probably bought it all up."
    "Fairly safe assumption. Um, you find anything on that phone number?"
    "No, I haven't had a chance."
    There was something else to be done... oh, yes. "I gotta go do some stuff, I'm gonna turn my phone off for a while 'cause I don't want it ringing in the middle of anything, but I'll call you when I surface. I'm going to Sal's Pool Hall, looking for an old contact."
    "Everybody else okay?"
    "Phoenix is there, and Needle's eating sugar doughnuts and drinking coffee."
    "That sounds good. I need a shower. Any suggestions?"
    "Um, no. I don't shower."
    "Cats lick themselves," Phoenix muttered in his sleep.
    Gross. She headed for Chandler's place through the tunnels; he would know she was coming.
    Dawn met her at the door. "Chandler's busy working on something. Um... where's my dad?" she asked in tones of some concern.
    "He's asleep back at base. He said stay here, you're safer."
    "Oh. Coffee?"
    She grabbed a shower and something to eat. Borrowed Chandler's Dodgers cap as a minimal disguise, then headed for Sal's. Billy was about to have a really bad day.

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© 1999 Rebecca J. Stevenson