Scott's fog filled the PITS cockpit. "Aargh! Mayday, mayday, we can't see anything!" the pilot yelled.
"Citizens of Boston," came over the radio. "It is I, Albert Gabriel Smith. I and the other members of the Revolution are your friends. Your friends. Your defenders. There has been an organization operating against your minds for some time, and you must do everything in your power to stop this. The police are your friends. The Revolution are your friends. Stop shooting at them. And the police, stop shooting at them, too," he added.
Albert limped over to the machine and turned off the broadcast. "Lucky, you can turn off the generator now," he told her over the open link, then turned as someone broke into the room.
She heard a gunshot.
She drove her staff through the generator and headed upstairs. Alarms went off around her as sparks started pouring from the machinery. People ran for the exits, ignoring her. She kicked in the door to the control room and found a blonde woman unconscious on the floor with a bruise on her jaw. Her gun lay on the floor.
"Collect her, she may be our only living material witness," Albert suggested calmly.
Lucky slung the woman over her shoulder. "This building's about to blow up."
"Hm. One more thing we have to do. How's your memory?"
"Very good."
"Miss Spanner? Wake up."
"Did you receive a phone call?"
"Yes," she mumbled.
"That phone?"
He picked it up and punched buttons, held up the receiver. "Listen."
Seven tones. "Got it."
He began his usual stately stroll out the door. She picked him up.
"This is most undiginifi"
"Albert, we're gonna die," she reminded him, and jumped out the window.
The pilot, who had been turning with a pistol in his hand to shoot at Phoenix, hesitated as Albert's announcement came through to him.
"Go Frog!" Talon crowed. "That's our Frog! I commandeer this helicopter in the name of the Revolution, take us down, captain!" The man stared at him. "The Revolution are your friends, didn't you hear the fuckin' radio?"
The pilot shook his head and seemed to recover from his stunned state. "We gotta land no matter what, we're losing gas something fierce!"
"What the" the PITS pilot exclaimed. "I still can't see!" Scott pulled back into the rear of the cockpit. "Captain Lu? Captain Lu?"
"Dammit, why were you shooting at us?" snarled the voice on the other end.
"I don't know!"
"Are you going to stop?" Scott asked.
"Yes, yes! What was that?!"
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© 1999 Rebecca J. Stevenson