Scott reached K. Robeson and found the doors and windows smashed. People were milling around in shock, asking each other what had happened. Inside, they were gathered in a circle around a cluster of dead or unconscious bodies. He could hear ambulances on the way. Stephanie leaned against the wall, sobbing, a huge bruise flowering on her face. Muse was breathing, he noted with relief, looked for Sphinx, found him lying across a desk, bruised and battered, blood streaming from a cut on one side of his face, unconscious but alive.
"We're sorry," someone said, looking dazed. "We didn't know what we were doing...."
"It's not your fault," Scott told him firmly.
"They'd have killed me," Stephanie sobbed, giving him a beseeching glance. "They were going to kill me. The guy who hit me was about toand Newton jumped on his face and clawed it open!" Said cat crouched quietly in a corner, tail fluffed and lashing at the continued invasion of his space.
The first ambulance pulled up; the crowd parted to let the medical help through.
"My god, these two have been beaten to hell," the technician muttered, crouching to examine the wounded. "This one has a couple broken ribs. All right, really gently now"
Muse gestured weakly at Scott, beckoned him nearer. "Don't worry," he smiled. "I don't have a curtain for a long time yet. How's Felix?"
"Looks like he's alive."
"I couldn't hurt the girl. I would have been able to hold them off longer...."
"It's okay now."
The squad car screamed through the crowded streets of Boston and reached the broadcast headquarters of the Holly Shapiro show. On the way, they came to the reluctant conclusion that they didn't actually have anything to charge her with, not even slandershe'd been damnably careful in everything she saidbut they might arrest her anyway and keep her in custody for 24 hours, just on suspicion of being linked to the WCL.
There was a broadcast going on when they arrived. Lucky grabbed Phoenix to keep him from interrupting and listened.
"She's got ten seconds," he muttered.
"Hello, this is Holly Shapiro," she began. "In light of evidence that has been brought forward in a rather radical fashion today, I feel that it is best that we at WBBC TV make a direct broadcast discussing the circumstances surrounding the Revolution superteam that has been operating out of Boston for the last few months. It seems as if I and my comrades and many of you have been involved in a manipulative scheme by a criminal organization in order to slander what may well be a beneficial organization to this city." She didn't look happy about saying any of it.
"Phoenix, do you want to go on TV?" Lucky asked him softly. His eyes lit up. She approached one of the producers and held a whispered conversation.
Holly went on. "Many of us have felt the effects of these broadcasts, which have been brought to light by Albert Smith, another member of the WBBC TV team, in his heroic effort to see that this crime was ended, and I, as with all of you, feel the depth of anger at being so callously used by these forces."
Lucky came back and gave her instructions to Phoenix, who nodded reluctantly.
"I expect that a full investigation will be made, determining who was ultimately responsible for these activities, for the nature of this mind control, and for the actions that I and my fellow journalists have been manipulated into taking. But it is as always the job of the media to provide you with the truth, and the truth is that we have been manipulated."
Phoenix walked into the broadcast area wearing a huge smile. "Good evening, citizens! I am Phoenix Talon!"
"Phoenix Talon. How are you?" Holly looked like she'd been drinking vinegar, but she smiled professionally enough.
"I'm glad to say I just got into town yesterday to watch the endgame of this tragic affair. As a representative of the Revolution I would like to extend my thanks to WBBC TV for their public apology, and stress the fact that we're not going to be arresting anyone no matter how much they might deserve it." He shook her hand firmly.
"Everyone here at the team thanks you," she replied carefully. "And I hope that you will continue to defend our city against similar menaces for some time to come."
"Oh, don't worry about that!"
"Thank you, this is Holly Shapiro for WBBC TV."
"This has been a special announcement. We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming."
Lucky walked over to Holly.
"Hello," was the cool greeting.
"Can I talk to you for a few minutes?" she inquired a bit hesitantly.
"I don't see why."
Lucky removed her gloves and handed them to Phoenix, trying to decide what to say. "Take these for a minute. I just want to say you have a right to report things concerning this city, and I'm glad that you're looking out for everyone's welfare, I do sincerely appreciate that. I would like to ask you, in the future, the favor of getting both sides of the story before you report it. That is only fair investigative journalism."
"Miss McKay." Holly looked up at her with pursed lips. "Despite the apology that I just made, and believe me I am livid about this manipulation and how my reports were usedI don't like you. You people are dangerous. Ever since you've gotten into town things have gotten progressively worse. You are violent, and the types of activities that you do and surround yourselves with are a danger to everyone in this community. And your history in particular is something that I find amazingly distasteful.
"If you would care to go on my show and make some sort of public statement, give your side of the story, your excuses and explanations, I would love to have you on. Or you can print it in any newspaper that you like. But don't think that because I apologized just now I think that the Revolution is a good idea. Or that you are somehow helping this community. I'm allowed that opinion, and I will report it as opinion, along with whatever facts I can find."
"Why did you never seek"
"I had as much confirmation as I required by the ethics of my community," was the firm reply. "I had a series of independent sources, the memos of a dying man, which I was able to confirm through contacts who shall remain nameless to you, unless someone wants to bring me up on a journalistic ethics board, who have important positions in the United States government."
"Files that have been sealed that you reported information on, that is illegal," Lucky insisted.
"Not if it's been revealed to me legally," Holly parried.
"Nobody went through court."
"If you want to file an official inquiry, find out who my sources are so you can press charges against them, you're welcome to do so. I received the information in a perfectly legal fashion. I don't think that we have anything else to say to each other, Ms. McKay. I don't like you in this city, and I would be happier if you and all of your friends would leave. And I will do everything in my power to convince the people around here that you are a dangerous menace. Is that perfectly clear? Thank you. Have a nice day." She walked into her office and closed the door.
Phoenix gave her a pleading look that said Can we arrest her now?
Their phones rang in unison.
"Back me up, guys? I think we know where they are," Needle announced.
"Gimme my gloves," Lucky demanded.
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© 1999 Rebecca J. Stevenson