Spacer Turn 145
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Turn 145
    Emmett and Inez locate Val before the nightly gathering can start, with a bespectacled Dwarf in tow. "Captain, before we get into the main business tonight, there's someone I want you to meet." He indicates the dwarf, "This is Barrend. He's a navigator, late of Havath & Sons, looking for a more exciting route. I thought he might suit the _Distraction_ to fill Alais' place, if not his odd, incomprehensible shoes."
    Val groans inwardly at the thought of someone filling Alais' place.
    "Pleased to meet you," he says offering a curt nod to the dwarf. "A navigator, you say? I would be interested to talk with you about that. Perhaps if you have a bit of time, we can discuss a few things."
    While the crew gathers, Val asks the dwarven navigator a few questions. What is the safest route through the Durellion Sphere? What would be the fastest route from the Minos Cluster to the Meridian Sector? What instruments has he used, and in what conditions? It is mostly small talk, but the captain pays close attention to what Barrend replys. He learned quite a bit during his time aboard spelljammers, and he is interested in what the dwarf has to say.
    As usual Lynden stays near the edge of the gathering but listens attentively to the discussion. He's conscious that he is still a newcomer and doesn't want to speak out of turn.
    Emmett leans back a little at the amount, then does some quick figuring with his hook and fingers. "Captain, that's 20 shares of 1500 each. How are we gonna divide that among nine old crew and one new?"
    Val lets the crew discuss this amongst themselves for the moment. After a bit of back and forth, he agrees to Emmett's suggestion that the sum be divided into ten even shares, one each to the nine original crew. The last share he wishes to set aside as a fund to possibly some day purchase the Distraction outright. However, he will suggest a share of that portion go to Lynden for all of his help on Rigol.
    Yestin is quick to support the captain; Nyala is indifferent as usual to monetary matters. Inez seems to spend a few moment struggling with nascent greed, but eventually agrees that Lynden deserves some of the payout.
    * * *
    Before the meeting, ibn Hassan quietly approaches the Captain. "I have some information...."
    "I think," he finishes up, "that 'discreet inquiries' at the Hextorian temple may be in order."
    "Hm." Val needs to think about this a bit.
    * * * [GM: Kris, I wasn't sure when you wanted this to take place.]
    Ibn Hassan also approaches Brother Pham, to see if he has any information about this apostate Hextorian.
    "I have heard the story, or stories should I say, for there are several." The priest sighs. "Times like this I still miss my friend and teacher, Marcus... I'm sure he knew more than he told me. Given the... unusual nature of our faith, I suspect that he hoped to seek this man out someday, when he was ready."

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© 2004 Rebecca J. Stevenson