Spacer Turn 147
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Turn 147
    Day 2:
    He learned quite a bit during his time aboard spelljammers, and he is interested in what the dwarf has to say.
    "Now captain, I must remind you that I am still technically under the service of the _Black Talon_ for Havath & Sons and that my charts are still for their eyes only... for now.", Barrend pauses and considers his next words,"But I can at least tell you the spheres and ports I've been too and the spheres I know on my charts."
    He lists a good number of spheres, but they are all in maybe three well known clusters. And the ports he names are all well known, most of them being heavily travelled and patrolled. The _Distraction_ probably had the same charts all along. At two occasions he unwittingly lets slip some priviledged information about lesser known routes and ports which could be of some worth if it weren't for the distance to them. One sphere he casually mentions is the _Kahrelan Sphere_.
    [GM: insert whatever response to this Val has; this subthread can continue as long as need be.]
    Lynden is surprised by his inclusion in the division of payment. He'd expected nothing other than the words of thanks he'd already received. Resolving to find a quiet time to thank the Captain for his generosity he coughs quietly before speaking up himself.
    "As The Captain already knows I feel I ought to visit the Hextorian temple here to see what might be discovered." He looks round the assembled crew trying to read their expressions before continuing. " I would prefer not to visit it alone given my lack of experience and Val has cautioned me against it. I don't know what plans you may have already but I would appreciate your indulgence.
    "I don't want to have to be rescued again," he adds wryly.
    "Our newest crewman has a good idea," Val says, noticing the look of disgust that is clearly painted upon Inez's face. He had not realized this was not a goal of the entire crew.
    "But, we need a plan this time," the captain continues. "And we need to know who is actually willing to pursue this course." He hopes his serious tone reminds the crew of what they could be getting themselves into...
    "There's no need to hurry," ibn Hassan says, speaking up for the first time. "As for willingness, I'll be pursuing the matter on my own if I have to, but the reasons not to do that are nearly infinite."
    [GM: anyone have anything further to say? Anyone plan to rush right out and poke around the Hex. temple that day?]
    Day 3:
    In the morning, Val visits the markets to see what he can find out about current events in the port. He spends a pleasant morning amid the merchants and wares. Nothing overt comes to his attention other than the fantastic number of ways to spend money in the place, but a subtle current of uneasiness catches his ear. Those who deal with spacers tend to be solid sorts, not easily spooked, but in the past few years there has been too much strangeness. The Arcane, the creatures of the Flow, and now the priests of the tyrant god -- some people have begun to wonder what or who will vanish next. Piracy is up, and so are prices, and there are even more weird rumors than usual.
    [In other words, there's not much to be learned there casually. If there's something you're looking for, materially or otherwise, let me know.]
    * * *
    ibn Hassan talking to Pham:
    "Some say that he is a fraud, that this is but some stratagem of his old god, others that he has become a god himself."
    Ibn Hassan scratches the back of his neck and sighs. "Rumour is such a promiscuous wench, isn't she? I'm not sure if I know more or less than I did before," he adds, "but thanks, Brother Pham."
    "I know it isn't much by way of information, but I hope I have been of some assistance. I am curious as to what prompted the question?"
    * * *
    "The tool at hand is meet for a time of chaos and war, the red arrows lead to my lost children." She looks up at Emmett in some surprise.
    The half man is still standing, staring unblinkingly at the orrery.  If he even heard Tama's words, it's not sure that they had the slightest impact. Finally, just as the priest begins to worry for his safety, Emmett closes his eyes, and then reopens them. "I see. I can see."
    "I Can See!" the half man's excited whisper echoes unnaturally in the domed space. He turns to face Tama. "I'm the tool. He has created me for his purposes, and he has refined me today." One hopping stride takes him over the woman, whom he catches in an enormous hug, bone creaking despite her stature. "Thank you. Thank you."
    Caught off guard and somewhat confused, but comprehending that he is pleased and excited, she hugs him back. "I'm not sure if congratulations are in order, but it certainly seems to have answered your question."
    "You don't understand. I can see. Out of my eye. Eyes. Both of them. Both, as well as I ever could before the crash!" Emmett is hopping up and down at this point, but has not yet released Tama, producing a most peculiar scene. "While the Orrery was spinning, he opened my eye."
    The half man stops his jubilant dance, releasing the priestess and taking a staggering step backward. "And there's going to be a war. I have to tell Val, and the others. This changes everything. We'll have to get busy. Thank you, Tama. Thank you. But I have to go. There are things to do." The half man is nearly out to door when he pivots on his peg, "No, wait, you should come, to see the wolf, and talk to Three Trees about the mission. Can you?"
    "Of course! Just let me get my tools."

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© 2004 Rebecca J. Stevenson