Spacer Turn 162
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Turn 162
    Hope you all had a good weekend. This turn is one of those "great leap forward" types -- I expect that as usual we will spend some time backfilling before making a whole-hearted commitment to the next phase. I've put out a few threads, feel free to start your own; we've gotten some good stuff out of these quiet times, though I hope I won't need to have another baby to encourage everyone's creativity.
    You now have enough smokepowder for two shots. If anyone else wants to chip in you could make it three.

    * * *
    And now it is the next morning, after a rather crowded night. These things are known:

    -- That Yestin departed the ship and returned an hour after, bearing a deceptively small parcel, which he treated with great care.
    -- That Inez departed the ship and did not return--nor, it was clear, should anyone expect her to.
    -- That Barrend departed the ship, most thoughtfully, and did return in the morning, with his kit.
    -- That the captive, questioned at length and with great care that he should not learn anything more of who had taken him, proved likely to have been left behind because he did not know anything of value. Dumping him unconscious well outside the city seems an appropriate compromise between cold-blooded murder and foolish risk.
    --That the stars that occupy the gaze in all directions as the _Distraction_ takes to space once again are beautiful indeed, and seem more so now that the crew carries what seems to be a destined weight.

    "I should explain," says a tired-looking Brother Pham, over breakfast, as the last wisps of atmosphere are left behind. "You are all risking a great deal on my say-so. My story is known to some of you, but not I think to others," he glances at Barrend. Swiftly he summarizes the course of his brief life, the mysterious calling from a Hextor who seemed unlike the god who justly terrified so many, the teacher with whom he had traveled, taken from him too soon by mindflayer attack and leaving him to wander, certain of nothing but that the prayers he offered were received... by someone.
    His expression is one of wonder, his matter-of-fact tone softens. "And then last night, in the temple, I was... visited. I had a vision, I think of the place we are to go--as asteroid at any rate, though it seemed to shine with light. There was an overwhelming sense of urgency, of--of fear, even. Though not fear on its own behalf, I think. And then all became dark, except for this strange flickering--like light on steel." He shakes his head. "What are they doing, that frightens even gods?"

    * * *
    And now they are two months underway, nearing the sphere itself [GM note for new players: I've rather drastically changed the non-combat speed rules, or you'd spend all your time just getting places.]
    Cadin continues to grow toward adolescence, and Emmett spends more and more time laying groundwork for his training. Lynden had already spent a great deal of time with them both on the trip out from his homeworld, and continues to do so when Pham is not instructing him in the mysteries of piloting of spaceship.
    Barrend finds the ship congenial enough, if a bit crowded for a vessel of its size. Emmett's parrot, Cog, promptly adopts him, spending most of his time riding on the dwarf's shoulder or head, and picking up a few words of dwarfish to complement the lively vocabulary he's already acquired.
    Val and ibn Hassan spend further time with the stolen documents, hoping for additional revelations, thinking separate thoughts on their new mission.
    Yestin searches through his library and memories for anything useful on smokepowder weapons; during his time of service he had been far too junior to be permitted their use himself, but he has seen their operation.
    Forty-four days into the journey, through the Flow which now appears entirely devoid of life other than ship-borne, they spy a squid-ship on a course that will pass theirs; those members of the crew visible on deck appear to be human.

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© 2004 Rebecca J. Stevenson