Spacer Turn 57
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Turn 57

Before the meeting:

"And maybe we can find out who brought those things here in the first place. Or at least an idea."
    "In truth, I wanted to try to bring this up with Sidney Volant last night," the half-elf says slowly. "Though it probably was not the best time. You see, only the oligarchs have the authority to do anything really useful here, or at least the potential to. They could tell the giff or the other soldiers to patrol more often, for example. Or ask the Navy for help if they become truly desperate.
    "Most Bralians are just ordinary crafters and shopkeepers used to minding their own business," he sighs. "I am not sure that they *could* organize a response."
    Pham thinks for a minute. "Well, we could simply force the issue. If we find the nest, we can force the creatures out into the light and FORCE the oligarchs to deal with the issue. Rampaging ghouls in a small area like Bral would be very, very bad for the shipping business, wouldn't it?"
    "Er, we have not even *tried* to interest Mister Volant in the problem," ibn Fadil points out. "If we are going to cause a, a ruckus of any sort we should at least warn him in advance, Brother Pham. We work for Three Trees and so our actions reflect on the company. And I do not want to risk getting arrested for causing a disturbance and have to explain it to him afterward.
    "Please do not think I am not concerned by this problem," he adds anxiously. "I hate the thought of ghouls preying on my friends here. I just think we should eliminate as many potential problems as we can in advance before, ah, charging in."

* * *

At the meeting:

    As Emmett explains his ideas to Pham and the rest of the crew, Val thinks about the letter from Ginevra. Was this the best course of action? Would going to Rigol and trying to oust the Victor monopoly bring down more wrath against Ginevra, Teague, and their daughter? Surely by now they would be safely away from Janik and out of Victor's reach. Wouldn't they?...
    Not everyone agrees on going there for several different and equally valid reasons, Val thinks to himself. He even has his own reservations about it. But as Captain, he has to make decisions. Of course his first one *would* have to have such serious consequences. Not only for the crew and himself, but for others he has come to care about... Best to get some more ideas before making that decision, however.
    "Okay," Val rouses himself from his thoughts, "so we have one idea so far. It's not without complications or possible repercussions, but then again, nothing we do is going to be without risk. Do we have any *other* suggestions?"
    Ibn Fadil looks thoroughly demoralized by the unanimous objections to his offhand thought about Janik, and just stares at the floor.
    "Inasmuch as heading for Ginevra's world is a triumph of the empirical over the theoretical, I vote for going there," Alais announces.
    Brother Pham looks as if there is something he wants to say....

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© 2002 Rebecca J. Stevenson