Spacer Turn 66
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Turn 66

    "Cargo hatch," ibn Fadil mutters, and bolts for the hold. Inspired by Valarin's creativity, he hastily roots in the stuff piled near the base of the ladder and produces another small cask. When he pops it open in front of the cargo doors, it proves to contain cooking oil. He grins wickedly at Hiro and then fades back to lurk in the shadows among the cargo -- looking for something else, and waiting for the first invader to happen to turn his back to him.
    "Yestin! See what you can do about that grapple!" Val yells as his mind races. "Alais! Stand by to get us out of here! Everyone else, prepare to repel boarders!"
    Yestin, who being a giff tends to a literal turn of mind, ponders for a moment, then climbs over the edge of the weapon deck and drops down to one of the ship's legs, where he can get at the bolt and chain. He does not appear concerned about being thus exposed to the crossbows of a half dozen of his former comrades, even as one grazes him. Balancing gingerly, he uses his sword to hack at the dart holding the damselfly captive.
    Nyala sends a shaft into a second of the attackers.
    Val mutters a string of invective in several languages as he scrambles aft. Knowing it will be better for close-quarter fighting, he draws his short sword as he slips into the hold. Val takes note of Hiro's surprises before melting into the shadows on cat's feet...
    The lock on the hold gives way, and the door crashes in. There are six giff there, lightly armored and carrying swords, and they come in a rush, determined to overwhelm any defenders. There is a brief, wobbly moment as they encounter the oil and caltrops and see only a lone human with a sword waiting.
    Above, Emmett calmly loads another bolt in the ballista before taking careful aim at the point where the boarding chain exits the _Magnus_. "One or two good hits might break their winch and free up the chain. If nothing else, the shock will give the boarders something to think about..."
    "Forget the deserter, get that damn elf!" one of them yells as an arrow sinks into a giffish eye.
    They change their aim, but their accuracy does not improve. Nyala hisses as a bolt creases her side, but does not appear significantly wounded.
    Emmett lets the ballista loose; he can't exactly miss, lashed together as the ships are, but the blow is not powerful enough to free the _Distraction_.
    Out of his several options, ibn Fadil chooses to throw one of his new knives at whichever frontmost giff looks least well-balanced. It strikes a chink in the giff's armor, eliciting a gruff sound of both surprise and pain.
    Pham moves towards the hold, ready to block the exit if the giff get past his comrades below. He also starts praying under his breath.
    Val, too, moves into position to attack one of the intrudors, trying to remain unnoticed while doing so. The giff he has targeted moves unexpectedly; his blade turns harmlessly on the giff's armored back, and it whirls to face him.
    Hiro draws his sword and becomes his usual blur of motion, dealing a deep wound to the first giff to enter the hold, although the second raises his own sword in time. The giff seem to be setting themselves for a charge toward the ladder, no doubt in hopes of taking the bridge. Once the damselfly is secure from flight, there will be plenty of time to deal with the crew.

    Meanwhile, above:

    "Oh, bugger. This'll take too long." Emmett hops up from the ballista, lashes a tied-off line around his hook while measuring distances and dives overboard. He lands on the leg next to Yestin, loses his balance, and if not for the rope would have been lost. Yestin does a little bobble himself at the unexpected arrival and grabs onto the chain he's been trying to loosen. With their combined strength working at it, the chain seems to give slightly. One more good heave....
    "Humans." Nyala shakes her head and takes a glance over the edge of the battle deck, picks off another giff. She's a little too slow in ducking this time, however. Three quarrels hit home.

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© 2002 Rebecca J. Stevenson