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"We choose to change the world not because it is easy, but because we must..." — Concordance



The Aquarians

A hero team formed in the heady days of the Summer of Love, with power levels ranging from Beta to Gamma, with the most powerful and well known being their 'leader' the high Gamma variant Dove. The Aquarians first appeared in 1968, using their powers to promote the cause of world peace, cultural unity and the undercutting of the corrupt establishment. On several occasions they were drawn into mystical and political conflicts, most memorably their repeated clashes with government troops and Sargent Master Stryker for their sometimes over-exuberant protesting of the conflict in Vietnam.
    The Aquarians were hated by the government for their powers and protests, feared by the suburban population for their radical lifestyle. They were super-hippies, but they were the best of their kind: more than protesting, they acted, aiding oppressed peoples worldwide. The Aquarians were actively trying to initiate the raising of the world's consciousness they were certain the variant emergence entailed. While their vision of world peace and brotherhood has yet to appear, you have to respect their actions and the strength of their convictions. Concordance once said "We choose to change the world not because it is easy, but because we must, for the future we seek is made up the of the labors of the present—is not simply a gift."
    The Aquarians vanished for 6 months in 1969-70. Drawn into the Pellambran conflict, they were instrumental on restoring peace to the galaxy. Heady with that victory, they returned to Earth confident in the truth of their cause. By 1974 the world had changed. They disbanded, some convinced that their goals had been a lie, some believing that they could do more within the system, some refusing to give up the fight. The Aquarians were:

Leader, inasmuch as they had a leader, the winged girl with the presence of an angel and the power to see and alter people's auras. She was in some ways the most accepted of the Aquarians, but many saw her as a winged tramp or an affront to their religion (a claim she never made). She maintained her work as a celebrity activist until her tragic death in 1980 with her lover, John Lennon.

His variance is the ability to assume the attributes of anything near him, but while his powers are mercurial, his passions are not—he was the Aquarians' fanatic, spitting in the Pig's eye. Age and wisdom have tempered but not dulled him. He still sees anarchy and freedom as the ultimate goals, still hates those who endanger our freedoms and our planet. That his actions and those of his followers have caused deaths troubles him, but not so much that he will stop.

Allhallows Eve
A Wiccan priestess with true power, with a wide variety of limited spells and knowledge of mysterious things. Her greatest power was the ability to take the form of any animal, and she contained within her the serenity and anger of Nature. When the Aquarians collapsed she abandoned the direct fight and went semi-legit, and now runs a macrobiotic health food store and head shop in Harborview, where she also acts as a spiritual and mystical advisor.

His powers granted by the structure of the stars, he was able to fly, could survive in any environment, and his strength knew no bounds. In December 1973 the stars' alignment changed and his powers vanished. He was the rock that the Aquarians were built upon, and his loss may have precipitated their collapse. With or without power he never abandoned the cause, and is an influential lobbyist for human rights agencies in Washington.

Like Abyss he is a proponent of anarchy, but unlike him he is unwilling to take lives to do it. A mentalist and athlete, poet and philosopher, he continues to fight against "The System," sometimes on the side of the law, sometimes against it. He is hunted by the governments of the U.S. and several other countries, but has significant popular support from the common people, who remember his visible and accurate attacks on corruption.

She was a rebellious girl with the power to bring her body into "harmony" with other objects, passing through them as if they were not there. The classic flower child, a rebellious girl running from her life, society's failure to keep pace with her dreams left her beliefs in the revolution of love shattered. She is now a Vice President and security specialist for Taurus Industries.

Oldest of the team, he was also with them for the shortest period of time (prompting those pointless trivia jokes). He was a young college professor when his flame powers emerged in 1969. If Concordance was their spirit and Dove their voice, Sunrise was the Aquarians' conscience. When the team disbanded he returned to his teaching career, a somewhat Timothy Leary-esque figure. He died in the Plovian invasion, fighting the aliens in New York City.

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Copyright © 1998 Brian Rogers