Flight of 1000 Cranes
There's a birthday card that reads "You're one in a million... that means in China there are 1000 people JUST LIKE YOU!" Good joke, everybody laugh. Ready for the real punch line? Scientists estimate that in 1987 one person in a million on the planet possesses some form of variant ability. And unlike the Soviets with their rampant paranoia, the Chinese have been actively gathering and indoctrinating them since 1963. Still feel like laughing?
  Flight of 1000 Cranes is the official PRC variant team, directly connected to the armed forces. Citizens are tested throughout their schooling and trundled off to training camps at the first sign of any varianceanything can be used for the good of the state, after all. There all are trained in their powers, in armed and unarmed combat, in espionage and warfare, and more importantly in the party line. The Flight's total membership is unknown, but US intelligence estimates measure it at over 600. China denies this, but the numbers they report to UNEarth (with which several highly trustworthy Flight members operate) are so low as to be insulting.
The scope of their membership, training and variance is a staggering and sobering statement about the place of variants in world culture. When Flight member January Rain defected to the US and met the Host, Apollyon asked her if she had someone whose powers let them control weather. She replied, in all seriousness, that they had someone who could do anything. Obviously, with so many members, the list provided here will be cursory at best.
In addition to the information listed below, you can assume that every member of the Flight is trained to at least Alpha level martial arts and weapon skills.
April Fury
Variant strength and endurance, close combat skills. Often seen as a big bruiser, his training compensates for that, but he still has problems with intuition and unorthodox opponents.
August Fire
Empath and force manipulator, she can not turn off her powers She lives inside her force field and can sense the emotions of everyone around her. Justifiably, she can get upset....
October Dove
Mystic and Twilight manipulator, frequent strike team leader. October Dove is one of the few mystics in the Flight, and uses his strange abilities to set himself apart and away from the rigid structure. He has political aspirations.
December Lightning
Partial or complete transformation of body to light for intangibility, teleportation and energy attacks. December Lighting is very physically competent, but lacks will and wit.
January Rain
Time manipulation for personal travel, shock attacks and teleportation. Rescued and brought to the United States by Captain Awesome. She is a tactical genius with a flair for long term planning.
Spring River
Physical super speed and limited reflex enhancement. Spring River relies on momentum and mass for his attacks, and is remarkably strong and tough. A Beta level variant, he is a canny opponent and a trained medic.
Summer Thunder
Vibration attack powers focused in his hands; he increases the damage of his punches and can launch ranged or area sonic or vibration attacks by clapping his hands together. A trained spy and disguise expert, his powers are Alpha level.
Autumn Shadow
Absorption of radiant energy (light and heat) to his physical abilities, specifically strength and durability. His metabolism is very efficient, losing very little energy to use or lack of exposure. He's getting stronger every day....
Winter Gambler
Probability manipulation powered by ambient heat (the more he uses the powers, the colder it gets). Winter Gambler eventually broke from the Flight with Black Dragon's help and fled to Australia, where he joined Southern Cross.
Crescent Owl
Gravity manipulation, focused into personal and group flight (Crescent Owl can grant flight abilities to a half dozen other people within a 20 foot radius). She prefers using her gravity abilities to hurl her opponents vast distances.
Midnight Fox
Alpha grade darkness powers including a limited paralysis attack on contact. A lifelong spy trained to Beta levels, she has had several (ahem) shadowy conflicts with Zachriel of the Host over the years.
Phoenix Horse
Generation of a flame sheath, some of which he can covert to mass to assume animal shapes. He can also fly and fire flame blasts. Phoenix Horse is a scientist as well as a soldier, and a frequent tactical leader.
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Copyright © 1998 Brian Rogers