They are meticulous planners and never miss a trick.
Recon is an effect of the fallout of the Plovian Invasion. At that time many governments, including the United States, offered amnesty to their variant criminals if they would assist in the war effort. Many accepted, and some rehabilitated afterwards, but the vast majority returned to their criminal activities. Then there's Recon a quintet of variant criminals who met fighting the aliens and decided they worked well together. Immediately after the invasion these five became professional mercenaries operating on an international scale. They worked for whoever provided them with money, up to and including the Coven (whom they aided in the 1985 Hartford Daemon breakout).
The war trained them, hardened them and brought them together. Before the Plovian Invasion they were three individual criminals and a brother/sister team who had all had moderate success. Now they're a true force to be reckoned with. Recon has fought Ground Zero to a standstill several times, and had similar encounters with the Host. While individual members may be captured, Brainchild's telepathy and Emerald's teleportation abilities keep them from ever being incarcerated for too long.
All members of Recon are a perfectly integrated team. They are meticulous planners and never miss a trick. All five are low Gamma level variants. This makes them some of the most dangerous criminals on the planet. While they are weaker than some of the teams they've stymied, their coordination and preparation give them sufficient synergy to overcome more powerful adversaries. Fortunately, they are purely mercenary and have no personal agenda other than accumulation of material wealth and creature comforts. They also have a very low ethical standard, and will massacre villages if the money is right.
The worst of the lot, Arc is vulgar and violent but exceptionally powerful. A world-class middleweight boxer, Arc's electrical variance increases his strength, endurance and agility, gives him defensive electrical fields, control over electrical systems (from fine control to just shorting them out), and both ranged and touch-based electrical attacks. While he maintains a veneer of over-aggression and lack of control, he is actually solidly in control the whole timetactically, Arc is several moves ahead of most opponents in close combat, all the while making them think he is just another stupid bruiser. He is violent at the core but controls it very well, and can actually be a charming ladies' man if he puts his mind to it.
Commando's sister, Brainchild is the linchpin that keeps Recon together. Her telepathic powers make her phenomenally smart and charismatic, and she can easily borrow any knowledge or technical skills from people around her. Brainchild maintains a tactical link between all of Recon during a fight, letting the members work with inhuman precision and cover one another's backs. She can generate minor illusions and launch devastating psionic blasts. The least physical of the team (she relies on the others for cover support, just as they rely on her for coordination), she is still an expert in unarmed combat through training, plus any bonuses from borrowing her opponents' tactics and predicting their actions.
Brainchild's brother, Commando is a personal metamorph, able to abandon his mundane form for one that holds the peak of human physical evolution. This body has low-end variant strength, agility and durability, with enhanced senses and coordination. In it Commando is immune to attack up to small arms fire and heals ten times faster than a normal human. Regardless of his form, he is an expert at weapons design and carries a variety of military weapons modified to carry variant ordinance of his own design . Most commonly this an automatic shotgun with shells holding explosives, napalm, flechettes, EM pulse generators, smoke clouds and various toxins. He is also skilled with unarmed combat.
Emerald takes her name from her body, which is made from a green, crystalline substance whose composition and durability defy description. She is almost totally invulnerable and has gone through whole fights with Gamma level variant teams without so much as a scratch. The crystal of her body is also sound dampening and 100% transparent to anything below the middle of the EM spectrumshe is immune to microwaves and electricity and invisible to radar, sonar and IR vision. Emerald has a totally separate set of abilities as well, based around extra-spatial manipulation. She can teleport herself or open spatial portals over vast distances, fly through spatial manipulation, increase her reflexes, and launch an extra-spatial warp attack whose effects are unpredictable: sometimes it stuns opponents, other times it literally rips them apart. Her extra-spatial powers are very draining, so she uses them cautiously.
The final member of Recon, Windstorm's powers are telekinetic in nature, drawing power from the bio-auras of those around him, particularly variants. This has no effect on the people around him (unless he focuses it, something he's learning to do), but the more variants he's around, the more powerful he becomesespecially if those variants are of a high power level. Windstorm's basic level around Recon is sufficient to lift and throw several tons. When his team clashed with all of Ground zero, he was able to carelessly lift and throw a full train car full of coal. Windstorm's telekinesis is not precise: he can't affect himself, or parts of an object (he can't squeeze things, for example).
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Copyright © 1998 Brian Rogers