Scott could tell that Manny was distracted; the lightning had stopped. He was still too far away to do anything, though, and his gas form was too slow; he needed to wait for the Manta Master to come to him.
"Do you have any idea what's going on out there?" J.T. asked from inside.
"Apparently he's found some sort of trident that gives him weather control, maybe more control over the water, it's a little hard to tell if that's separate or not."
"Egyptians didn't use tridents," someone muttered.
"He probably added the tongs," J.T. remarked.
"Felix had a staff," Scott told them.
"You did?"
"Yes, I did," the Sphinx acknowledge from the third end of this conference call, keeping those at the Revolution base updated on the struggle as they sheltered in the basement.
"He's kind of pounding people around with weather out there," Scott observed.
"Any way you're gonna be able to get him?"
"Slowly. He's gonna come here eventually. The big problem is I don't fly very fast, and I mostly do it by moving along as a gas, which makes it really hard to go through with the wind."
"Okay," J.T. acknowledged that difficulty. "When he gets here, we're gonna need you to slow him down as long as possible. Eventually he's gonna get through and we'll need you for that too, but once he gets this close, slow him down. Sphinx, could you get onto a private line? We're gonna need you for some consultation."
"We'll give you a call back in a few minutes."
The storm was moving closer quickly. Not long now.
"Well, Mariners, it looks like your defenders have been blown away!" Manta Master chuckled. "Blown away! Ha, hah."
"It really wasn't that funny, Manny," Scott informed him, but went unheard.
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© 2001 Rebecca J. Stevenson