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Boston, Revolution headquarters. Dawn looked worried, pacing back and forth. Rick was there too, edging nervously away from Albert Gabriel Smith, the room's third occupant.
    "They've been gone for a week, and no word! What should we do? Where are they?!" Dawn demanded.
    Rick added, "Look, Albert, we're out on the street, me and the guys doing what we can, but it's just a matter of time before some other theme villain shows up, and uh... you understand."
    "Oui. Merde estrange. Worry not," he told them grandly. "I am one of the greatest minds of our time. I've been pondering this situation for some time, ever since the whole 'Godzilla' affair. I think I know who is behind it. I have the beginnings of an answer. Keep doing what you're doing, I'll contact you if I need you." He limped away.
    "Albert's just going to—"
    "Honey," Rick interrupted. "He's part of the team. He's a professional, trained variant hero. He'll be able to find them."
    Dawn settled back, dejected. "I know, I know. I just feel so... worried. I just wish there was something I could do."
    "We're doing all we can. And if your dad gets back and finds out that I've let you come out to try to help fight crime, I'm a dead man," he pointed out. "It's that simple."

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© 2001 Rebecca J. Stevenson