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    Back at the Blobcave, Scott called up the city map, then the police department information on businesses thought to be owned by the Wuxia. Chinatown turned red.
    "Let's zoom in a little to see if that's any better," Felix muttered. "Not much."
    "Okay. How about we isolate this in terms of serious money-makers?" Scott suggested.
    "Anything greater than $100,000 a month, say?"
    Two-thirds of the red lights winked out.
    "What's their biggest money-maker?'
    One light remained.
    "Judging from police reports and things we've put together here, that is probably a prostitution and gambling house," the Sphinx informed him. "Probably does some drug sales on the side. Exactly the type of thing that the police would be paid not to notice, assuming that there are corrupt police officers. With Yen Chu-Hsia and his various abilities, I think it's safe to say...."
    "There are corrupt police officers," Scott nodded.
    He checked the address and verified that he could reach the place from underground. Good.
    "I have an appointment I have to go to. I wouldn't want to stand up the head of the Latino magical mafia."
    "Yes, at times like this, we need all the help we can get," Felix judged. "And more coffee. Are we expecting the rest of the...?"
    "Sooner or later, yes. They were heading over to Mariner island, but they should be here, especially considering they lit our base on fire."

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© 2001 Rebecca J. Stevenson