By way of distraction, Scott called the house of ill repute Felix's search had turned up.
"Hello, could I speak with Yen Chu-Hsia please?"
"Excuse me?"
"You know whom I'm referring to, please tell him Scott Silver's on the line."
"Let me check the list, sir. Oh yes, actually there's a note saying he's been expecting your call. Hang on just a moment." There was a click as the call was put through.
"Hello, Mr. Silver."
"Please understand," Yen said without preamble, "I am not the authority."
Went without saying, or none of this would be happening. "Couple of things for you. First of all, something very, very nasty is about to happen this city. Far nastier than your partners."
"What do you mean?" he asked guardedly.
"Well I believe the lady described it as the wolf and the winter fighting for the sunrise. She advised us to pack up and leave town, which is what she's doing."
"Who told you this?"
"Tía Ramirez."
"She's leaving?"
"She's probably out of town by now, actually. She described this current set of activities in Chinatown as a distraction."
"Well, that is serious," he admitted. "I'm afraid, however, that I am unlikely to be able to modify the current business environment, as it were."
"I understand that, but I felt I owed you the warning. You're not terribly attached to the building I'm dialing the number of, by the way?"
"It has its uses, but it can be replaced. Most things can," he replied. "I will keep in mind what you have told me, Revolutionary. I'm sure we will speak again."
"I'll be right back, guys," he told the other two after hanging up. Scott gave Yen the time it took him to get there and started ripping out the support beams from the basement.
* * *
"We're certain this is the place?"
"Of course we're certain. I know exactly what we're doing," their leader stated confidently. "There's been a larger than normal amount of electronics equipment coming into this shop in the past few weeks. This means no doubt that they're preparing for something large. And the equipment, from what we've been able to determine, is exactly what we need in order to upgrade our power suits. Well? Aren't you ready?" He looked around
A chorus of "yeah!" answered him.
"And remember, if any of the Revolution shows up, try to take them out as quickly as possible. They're no doubt hunting after us after the beating we gave them last time," he added. "Go!"
The Circuit Board poured out the back of a windowless Econoline van, toward the door of the electronics shop that was not what it seemed....
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© 2001 Rebecca J. Stevenson