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    "So, Holly, what can you tell us about this League of Nations group?" Simon inquired.
    "That they're incredibly dangerous, first of all. They're a very large organization that doesn't normally work in the United States. The last time that they showed up in the Boston area it was in fact—and I don't want to harp on anything here—specifically to fight the Revolution due to their association with Promethean. At least that's the story that was given to the press and police after the incident that burned down large parts of the city and destroyed the Citgo sign several months ago."
    "Yes, we remember the Promethean rampage rather well at WAMT. We'll be cutting to some stock footage of that right now, just before we got to commercial."
    The Day of Fire had already acquired a logo and theme music to cover the transition to the footage of Boston's last major crisis.

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© 2001 Rebecca J. Stevenson