Scott stopped by the office to add Count Bastard and Co. to the database.
"It sounds like they're returning to the classics," Larry remarked. "Did they actually hurt anybody?"
"Apparently Count Bastard used the mind-control properties of his augmented horn to dance several of them into unconsciousness."
"Bravo!" The Muse clapped delightedly.
"And he did try to drop the ceiling on us to make his getaway."
"But of course he knew that you'd stop the ceiling from falling?"
"Well, hopefully."
"No, he knew you would."
"Then he attempted to get away in a very nice old car."
"I wonder if that'll be up for auction...."
"It needs a new battery, and I dented the hood a little. Other than that, it should be okay."
"It's good to see the old things returning," Larry smiled contentedly.
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© 2000 Rebecca J. Stevenson