Phoenix Talon took one of the captives aside and gave him a surfboard. "I think you now realize, 1-800-HENCHMEN is the wrong fuckin' idea." He smacked the kid upside the head. "I'm gonna let you go. You're gonna tell everybody what happened here, understand?"
"Tell everybody who?" The Blood Board looked confused.
"The Blood Boards."
"They were all here, they know what happened."
"The ones that got away, just remind them." Why do I even BOTHER with you people? he wondered, frustrated. "There's some missing ones here, not everyone's here, not the whole gang. Tell them, too."
"You know everybody in the gang?" He looked impressed.
"Hey, I study."
The kid got onto the board. "Yeah, okay, I'll tell 'em. Woo-hoo, I'm outta here!" He surfed away.
Little did he know that Phoenix Talon had ways of checking up on him. He rejoined the others, more or less satisfied with how things had gone.
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© 2000 Rebecca J. Stevenson