Scott rang his office on his internal line, so no one else in the room could listen in.
"Good morning, K. Robeson," Stephanie answered.
"Good morning, how are you today?'
"Oh, I'm fine."
"You want to get the guys together in the conference room? I need to talk to the three of you."
"Okay, hang on just a second."
"Okay, we're on conference call, you have our undivided attention," Larry announced a moment later.
"Apparently yesterday members of the League of Nations decided to kill a state senator."
"Those cads!"
"And an accountant."
"Oh. Well... no, those cads!" he decided.
"And apparently they've stolen about twenty-two million dollars out of our budget so far."
"Something needs be done," was the steely reply. "You mean, if you had had all your budget, you would be able to pay us more?"
"We'll look into this immediately."
"It has been pointed out to us that according to the society page of the papers and the detective in charge of variant crimes, that the international operative known as Cait Sith, who has apparently come to the U.S. bearing a grudge against the criminal organization known as the League of Nations"
"Has been passing along information to her paramour."
Much more laughter. "Excuse me, we have to contact some people and set up a fake trail in Ireland!" Larry managed to say.
"So anyways, we're hoping that we've got a little more data in the files," Scott hinted.
"We'll check those files of the 'international thief'the brilliant international thief known as Cait Sith," his henchman assured him. "As to what she knows about the League of Nations."
"In other words," Felix translated, "call up our files on what we've found as far as stuff we can legally steal?"
"Yeah, basically," Scott told him.
"Um, was Paul upset about the photo?" Stephanie asked.
"I think we're going to have a talk with Paul. He doesn't seem to process data quickly on certain subjects. I'm wondering if perhaps the programming's off."
"I'm going to give him a call."
"That might not be a bad idea."
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© 2001 Rebecca J. Stevenson