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  | Asymmetry | Role-Playing | Villains & Vigilantes | The Revolution | Story So Far | Aside |





    The Wuxia returned to their headquarters.
    "I feel that you did not escape unscathed?" Wu Tung greeted them.
    "I was struck once, Master." Liang Hsiang bowed slightly.
    "See that it doesn't happen again. And the rest of them?"
    Yeh Cha shrugged a massive shoulder. "The Revolution showed up; we trounced them."
    "See?" He looked at Yen. "They cannot stand before us. And the police?"
    "There were many fatalities."
    "See? They will fear to engage us again," he gloated.
    Yen Chu-Hsia shook his head. "I have one hope out of all of this."
    "And what hope is that?" Wu Tung sneered.
    "That there are sufficient other things going on."

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© 2001 Rebecca J. Stevenson