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Phoenix Talon called Paulson to express his unhappiness.
    "Hello, Peter Paulson," he answered.
    "Phoenix Talon, hi!"
    "... this is Phoenix Talon. I looked over the sketches and stuff...."
    "I know, they're hideous, aren't they," he commiserated.
    "Whose idea was it to make Shadow Phantom an idiot?" Talon asked in a dangerous voice.
    "It was more of a consensus decision than anything else. They decided they were going to need some kind of comic relief, and since we'd already written Scott in as a detective type it was difficult to do the comic relief with him...."
    "This ain't happening."
    "I agree, one hundred percent, totally! But... I don't have full creative control The only person who can stop this from going through now is you."
    "That ain't happenin' either, at least not the way you think it is. For comic relief, we got a cat, all right? Put the cat in. Who else do I have to talk to, Jenkins?"
    "You can talk to Jenkins, but I don't think it will help," Peter sighed.
    "Why not?"
    "I'm gonna put this on the line here. We want you."
    "That ain't happening."
    "Do you remember the original meeting we had, before the Toy Man showed up and shot at us?"
    "Strangely enough, the part with the Toy Man sticks out more, but yes I do."
    Peter sighed. "We told you that there was the chance of this happening if people didn't go along with it."
    "Wait, what was that supposed to mean? What you just said?"
    "Agglomerated MegaCorporation wants this to happen. AMC has given a large donation to the state, in order to get access to the rights for the name Revolution. You guys are phenomenally popular right now, and they want to ride that."
    "No, the part about the Toy Man coming after me if I didn't cooperate."
    "That's not what I said. The Toy Man's not going—what makes you think that we have any connection with the Toy Man?! Other than the you getting shot at thing, but we tried to explain that, look I got shot at too!"
    "Look, I gotta go. Talk to you later." He hung up.
    "Damn him. Why won't he just go along with it?" Peter wondered, frustrated.
    "There a problem?" a passing co-worker inquired.
    "Uh, the delivery boy said that lunch is going to be late."
    He gave Peter a look. "Yeah, damn him. Peter, you need to relax."

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© 2001 Rebecca J. Stevenson