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Rick got Dawn back at 11:30, just in case.
    "I really had a lot of fun, and was wondering if you wanted to—"
    She grabbed him and kissed him. A lot.
    "I'm only allowed one. Thank you. That was great," he admitted. "I gotta get going. Tell your dad I said hi."
    "See you later. Oh hi, Scott," she noticed the robot sliding onto the wharf as Rick rode off.
    "Catch a ride back with you?"
    "The boat's over there." She pointed across the water.
    "I'll be back in a couple minutes," he sighed.
    "We can give you a ride over," the sub crew offered, greeting Dawn. "We wanted to thank you for the interior decoration help."
    "Oh, it was no problem."
    "So how was your evening?" Scott asked.
    "Oh, fine. We went out, and had dinner, and drove around for a bit. It was a lot of fun, just talked. I don't normally get to talk with normal people. Not that there's anything wrong with you guys, but dad can be real overprotective."
    "And Needle's a little wound tight, and I'm a giant lump of talking metal."
    "You're my favorite giant lump of talking metal." She kissed his surface.
    "Pretty well limited to being the only one, but thank you."
    "No, I understand that there's another one that I don't care for much at all."
    "That's true." He was feeling more than a little tired and scorched around the edges, telling her of the night's activities as they crossed over to the island.

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© 2001 Rebecca J. Stevenson