Rick was standing in the doorway when Talon turned to go upstairs.
"Yes, sensei."
"I called their parents this morning, told them what happened. You missed the talk."
"We can do this," Rick said quietly.
"Yes. First thing we need is better intel. They seem to know where we are better than we know where they are. Anybody sees Tybalt, you'll retreat immediately, leave Tybalt for me. I divided them up into pairs, and later on I'll divide 'em up into strike teams of four. But you're in command, so you'll be keeping in the rear."
"The rear?" Rick sounded startled.
"As much as there is gonna be one. Don't worry, don't worry, you'll be out fighting too," he assured the kid. "So will I, so will everybody. There's no armchair generals here."
"All right." Rick relaxed a bit.
"So, pick a space for your stuff...."
"They're still hanging on."
"We'll have to go visit 'em in small groups. Are they conscious?"
"No. All right, looks like everyone is else is working out, so I'm gonna go work out. The whole Revolution's behind us, right?" he asked with a trace of uncertainty.
"Yeah, I'm gonna go call a team meeting right now. The police are, I already talked to Reilly."
"Then they can't stand against us. They can't. I mean, how could they? Ain't that right, guys?" He started circulating, trying to get the gang's morale up.
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© 2001 Rebecca J. Stevenson