Down below, Phoenix Talon's pinburst added to the noon sun, blinding three of the four. Two made it into the van; one fell, and the last one had the van door slammed in his face as the driver took off in a panic. He grabbed the two who had been left behind and slammed their heads together. The van screeched around a corner on two wheels. He picked up the gun one of them had dropped and looked for a pay phone.
He called the base. The phone rang, and rang... the voice mail system picked up.
Scott and Thunderbolt heard reports coming in from all over the city as the police tried to respond to a crisis, only to have a second crisis spring up while the Cats involved in the first faded away to begin a new action. Tybalt had been reported all over the place.
"Reilly, map these out, they falling into a pattern yet?" Scott asked urgently. "We've gotta get ahead of him."
"Workin' on it."
There seemed to be at least three pairs of strike teams out there, leapfrogging each other and causing maximum chaos. The next target would be Chinatown, he guessed.
"We've got three buildings on fire on Newbury," another report came in. Thunderbolt acknowledged and headed in that direction; his powers would be useful there.
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© 2001 Rebecca J. Stevenson