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Sophomore Year Spring Semester

Justice Defenders: A Day in the Life... (2/89)
A break from Section Eight to show a day in the life of the Justice Defenders, as Survivor, Powerhouse, Eclipse, Blind Faith, Flora and Tigress do battle with White America and the Pack to protect the world from a programmable virus. [These events occur in the Justice Defenders book, but are included here because a) they are important to a later plot line and b) I ran them with the same players as system test.]

23. VIVA EL WARPO! (3/89)
The Warped Warrior heads south to Cancun for sun, surf and sex. Unfortunately he gets caught up in a web of intrigue as Maria deRivera (a beautiful Spanish Interpol agent), Inspector Chico Rodriegez (chief of police in Cancun and a fervent disliker of a certain curly-haired American variant and his unorthodox methods), the Tarantula (a variant European hit-man who has never missed), El Bombero (an old enemy of Black Dragon, now local drug lord) and Bobo the evil clown (Bombero's henchman and the un-funniest man on the planet) vie for power or justice in this beachfront paradise. Naturally, within 72 hours Jay has been shot three times, killed once, got the girl, beaten the bad guys, become the national hero of Cancun, and even earned the Inspector's grudging respect.

24. Breakdown (3/89)
Talon receives an urgent phone call from Mary Fatherly, a.k.a. Eclipse, asking for Section Eight's assistance. The impossible has happened—the Justice Defenders have been beaten! According to Eclipse, the group had been picked off one at a time by Predator, Ferret (two members of the recently defeated Pack) and Recon, the legendary variant mercenary company. (Recon consists of Emerald, Brainchild, Commando, Windstorm and Arc.) Before Section Eight can make a plan of action they are discovered by Recon members, who are tracking Eclipse. Eclipse and Talon are killed, Warped Warrior placed near death by napalm shells, Shriekback teleported into the middle of lake Michigan, Excellent Woman knocked into a coma, apparently through a mind touch with Emerald (actually an attack by One-Eyed Jack), and Death Penalty barely escaped, with her costume destroyed.

25. Rebuilding (3/89)
Just after Recon leaves, Talon revives herself from death, resurrects Eclipse, and attempts to revive Jen but cannot (Jen's coma is unprecedented, consisting purely of REM sleep). Lena rescues Shriekback, who discovered his invulnerability aura provides a limited air supply. Section Eight regroups and launches a daring counterattack against Justice Defenders HQ, barely evading their security systems. Warped Warrior defeats Ferret, Brainchild and Predator single-handedly, while the rest of Section Eight defeats Windstorm, Recon and Arc. Emerald is never seen. The Justice Defenders are freed, and a big party ensues.

26. An Affair for Friends and Family (4/89)
Excellent Woman is still in her unexplained coma, and Section Eight has another somber affair to draw them away from her bedside—the reading of Thomas Prest's last will and testament. Those in attendance (and their bequeathed goods are): Christopher Constantine, Prest's financial consultant (Prest's Rolls Royce—Constantine walked out on the proceedings immediately after they were done); Gideon Staff (the scientific work about variants and the collection of original Jazz recordings); Alexandra Slade, a stunning 28-year-old-but-remarkably-reminiscing friend, owner of a New York art gallery (the fine art collection); Section Eight (6.5 million dollars, 4 acres of land in a location of their choice to be purchased by the Prest Foundation, a headquarters on aforementioned land, also to be purchased and constructed by the Prest Foundation, and Prest's limited edition New Horizon's Hovercar); and Billy Jimson & Tim Vanesk (the remainder of Prest's estate, including controlling stock in the Prest Foundation and ownership of Prest's travelling circus). Also in attendance was Corina Cordiero, Prest's personal lawyer.
    All save Constantine stay to raise a few glasses in remembrance of Thomas Prest and what he did, for good or ill. Jimson drank only soda water, and there was an immediate confusion as to which one, Vanesk or Jimson, would run the business while the other ran the circus (they both wanted the circus, but realized that someone had to run the business). Talon promptly used her portion of the money to set up a research grant for the medical treatment of variant physiology in hopes of finding a cure for Jen's coma. Shortly after this ceremony, Warped Warrior, Talon, Shriekback and Death Penalty change their costumes, and Death Penalty changes her name to Arclight.

27. Society Secrets (4/89)
The team begins the construction of their new HQ near the grounds of Lancaster College (replacing the old abandoned Delta Epsilon house). During the construction they and their new sidekick, Dan Abraham, are attacked by the Society of Syrynx. Section Eight loses the fight and are captured, awaking to discover that the Society is under the control of their old foe Baron Mind. Whatever the Baron's reasons, the situation is deadly serious, as Syrynx (with a glint in his eye that is perhaps more than hypnotic mind control) reaches out with a knife to slice Talon open. Fortunately Talon had worked one of her feet free from the manacles and claws open Syrynx's arm. The rest of the team escapes and helps free the Society, but Baron Mind vanishes in the confusion. It was all another case of Mind Control. Really. Syrynx isn't at all guilty. Naaah.

28. Communing with the Spirits (5/89)
Dan discovers the ghost of Abagail Washington within the new HQ, finding that he is the only one who can see and hear he, and that she can only see and hear him (though she can hear Talon). He des some investigative research and finds her killer, so that she can be properly put to rest. Dan also strengthens his ties with Alexandria Slade by asking for her help in this matter. Dan's ability to see & hear Abigail when no one else can (and she can only see and hear him and Talon) is the first indication that there is more to him than there appears.

29. A Friend in Need...(4/89)
Talon is approached by Tim Vanesk to aid Billy Jimson, for whom the stress of running the Prest Foundation proved too much and who has slid full blown into alcoholism. Vanesk comes to Talon in hope that her angelic abilities (?!?) will help them restore Jimson to his senses. Warped Warrior accompanies them, and the plan is successful. Vanesk takes temporary control of the company while a new CE and board of directors can be chosen.

30. Fletcher (5/89)
Gypsy comes out of her coma at Hartford Hospital with a range of new abilities. During this, John Fletcher goes on a pain-induced rampage which brings the rest of the team to the hospital. Fletcher is a variant whose kinetic energy absorption powers are driving him berserk with the stress of holding in the absorbed energy. The group is able to stop him, but not without a good deal of effort. Simon takes Fletcher to the lab and immerses him in a saline tank until he can find a way to control his powers.

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Copyright © 1998 Brian Rogers