What follows is a brief listing of equipment available for starting adventurers in Hava. Obviously, more and better are available, but finding and affording it can be difficult. All costs are in silver pennies except where noted.
Adventurers get into a lot of fights, and properly outfitting yourself for them is a must. If the damage step is listed as 'number +' you may add your Body score to the damage step.
Melee Weapons
Name |
Cost |
Damage Step |
Weight Factor |
Notes |
Knife |
4 CB |
1+ |
1 |
Can be thrown. |
Stiletto |
1 |
1+ |
1 |
Defeats armor with Good hit. |
Dagger |
1 |
2+ |
1 |
Can be thrown. |
Long Knife |
5 |
3+ |
1 |
Light, 14-inch single-edge pointed blade. Fencing weapon, common in off hand. |
Foil |
15 |
3+ |
1 |
Very light, mid-length fencing weapon; despite length (three feet) can easily be used an off-hand weapon. |
Short Sword |
15 |
4+ |
1 |
Two-edged blade, two to three feet long. |
Saber |
20 |
4+ |
2 |
Long (four feet), single-bladed light fencing weapon; includes cutlass. |
Broad Sword |
30 |
5+ |
2 |
Three to four foot, heavy two-edged blade with point. |
Long Sword |
50 |
6+ |
3 |
Four to four and a half foot heavy slashing blade; includes scimitar. |
Bastard Sword |
75 |
6/7+ |
4 |
Four and a half to five feet; option to be used one or two-handed. |
Two-handed Sword |
125 |
7+ |
5 |
Five to six foot blade; characters with a Body step of 8 or more can use it one-handed. |
Troll Sword |
160 |
8+ |
6 |
Six-foot-plus two-handed troll blade. |
Light Pick |
10 |
2+ |
2 |
Defeats armor with a Good hit. |
Sickle |
5 |
2+ |
1 |
Light Hammer |
5 |
3+ |
1 |
Can be thrown. |
Whip |
10 |
4 |
1 |
Minimum Agility score 3 to use. |
Flail |
35 |
4+ |
3 |
Hand Axe |
12 |
4+ |
1 |
Can be thrown. |
War Pick |
45 |
4+ |
3 |
Defeats armor with Good hit. |
War Hammer |
40 |
4+ |
2 |
Can be thrown. |
Sledge Hammer |
40 |
5+ |
4 |
Battle Axe |
35 |
6+ |
2 |
Scythe |
25 |
6+ |
5 |
Long, nasty farm implement; cumbersome but scary. |
Dwarf Axe |
125 |
7+ |
4 |
Stout, heavy axe with large blades of equal size on either end. A favorite of dwarf warriors. |
Club |
1 |
1+ |
1 |
Six inches to one and a half feet long, can be thrown. |
Javelin |
3 |
2+ |
1 |
Short spear; can be thrown. |
Cudgel |
5 |
2+ |
1 |
Large, heavy club (shillelah, threshing stick, cricket bat). |
Quarterstaff |
5 |
3+ |
2 |
Requires two hands. |
Mace |
20 |
4+ |
3 |
Pure metal head. Also, spiked cudgels. |
Spear/Lance |
30 |
4+ |
2 |
Lance damage step 5 from horseback; spear can be thrown. |
Spiked Mace |
40 |
5+ |
3 |
Metal morningstars, or huge spiked troll cudgels. |
Long Spear |
50 |
6+ |
4 |
Covers all polearms. |
Base range is the weapon's short range in yards. Double it for medium, and triple for long.
Throwing Weapons
Weapon |
Cost |
Damage Step |
Weight Factor |
Notes |
Knife |
4 bits |
1+ |
1 |
Base range 5 |
Dagger |
1 |
2+ |
1 |
Base Range 4 |
Club |
1 |
2+ |
1 |
Base Range 3 |
Hand Axe |
12 |
4+ |
2 |
Base Range 4 |
War Hammer |
40 |
4+ |
2 |
Base Range 3 |
Javelin |
3 |
2+ |
1 |
Base Range 15 |
Spear |
30 |
4+ |
2 |
Base Range 10 |
Dart |
1 |
1+ |
1/4 |
Maximum damage step is 4; Base Range 6 |
Bola |
1 |
3 |
1 |
Base Range 10 |
Net |
15 |
0 |
2 |
Target makes Body test vs. attack outcome to get free; Base Range 3 |
Oil, burning flask |
6 |
5 |
1 |
Burns for three rounds, causing damage on each |
Separate listings are given for launchers and missiles. Missile costss are per score (20). A crossbow quarrel takes 2 rounds to reload (firing every third round).
Missile Weapons
Weapon |
Cost |
Damage Step |
Weight Factor |
Notes |
Blowgun |
2 |
1 |
*Needles |
1 |
2 |
0 |
Base Range 2; 60 needles = 1 Weight Factor |
Sling |
3 |
0 |
*Stone |
0 |
6 |
1 |
Base Range 15 |
*Bullet |
2 |
8 |
2 |
Heavy metal slug; Base Range 20 |
Hand Crossbow |
75 |
8 |
2 |
Need 3 Body to reload; Base Range 25 |
Crossbow |
75 |
12 |
3 |
Need 4 Body to reload; Base Range 40 |
Double Crossbow |
120 |
12 |
5 |
As Crossbow, but two shots |
Dwarf Crossbow |
120 |
14 |
5 |
Need 5 Body to reload; 3 Body to fire; Base Range 45 |
Troll Crossbow |
150 |
16 |
6 |
Need 7 Body to reload; 4 Body to fire; Base Range 45 |
*Quarrels |
15 |
1 |
Troll and Hand quarrels cost twice as much |
Short Bow |
15 |
8 |
3 |
Minimum 3 Body; Base Range 35 |
Horn Short Bow |
40 |
10 |
3 |
Minimum 4 Body; Base Range 40 |
Long Bow |
60 |
11 |
4 |
Minimum 4 Body; Base Range 45 |
Elven Long Bow |
200 |
12 |
3 |
Minimum 4 Body; Base Range 65 |
Horn Long Bow |
80 |
13 |
4 |
Minimum 5 Body; Base Range 50 |
Troll Long Bow |
100 |
14 |
5 |
Minimum 7 Body; Base Range 40, arrows cost double |
*Arrows |
10 |
1 |
*Broadheads |
20 |
1 |
Reduce Base Range by 5, add 1 to damage step |
Fire Weapon - Short |
* |
15 |
1 |
Can only be used by people with the sub-skill Fire Weapons; Base Range 50 |
Fire Weapon - Long |
* |
18 |
3 |
Can only be used by people with the sub-skill Fire Weapons; Base Range 60 |
| Top |

Copyright © 2000 Brian Rogers